रंगका तृष्णामा बिलीन भइ कोही कहाँसम्म जाने यी त तिम्रो मर्जी बिना नै तिम्रा आसपास रहिरहेछन्, अनि फे रीपनि तिमि यिनैका निम्ति भोको छौ कहिले आघाउँछौ ए त्रिश्रित मानिष, तिम्रा तृष्णा मेटाउन अब म कुन चाही रंग फ्याकु !
Ranga is visual perception. It forms as light interacts with our eyes and mind. Ranga holds raag (राग), dwesh (द्वेष), and laalach (लालज). These elements are the experiences we have lived and have never had enough of. They have so much to offer. And I question: does Ranga have a limit? When will it be enough? How long will we run after it, even though we get it without even thinking of it. Ranga has our attention already, and yet consciously and unconsciously we hunger and greed for it. It is us who need to filter and control our emotions, we just don’t know when and where to stop. Tarangit: Rippled Ranga: Color Raag: passion, delight, love, desire, harmony, melody, harmony Dwesh: hatred, hostility, aversion Laalach: greed, temptation, lust
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